Magical Halloween

“Magical Halloween” is a collection of 10 fantasy digital backdrops with Halloween holiday theme, size 3000 x 4000 pixels, 300 dpi. Dark and spooky, but also kind of cute backgrounds to make a great memories of Halloween night. Of course, You can do that at any time of the year, whenever it suits You! 🙂 Visit … Continue Reading

Castle In The Autumn Morning

“Castle In The Autumn Morning” is a collection of 5 digital fantasy backgrounds with castle in fall time theme, size 3000 x 4000 pixels, 300 dpi. Those backdrops are perfect for You and Your little princess or prince to make Your own fairy tale. To see all 5 fantasy images for Your photo edits, visit … Continue Reading

Full Moon

“Full Moon” is a collection of 8 digital fantasy backdrops with old buildings under a full moon theme, 3600 x 3000 and 3000 x 3600 pixels, 300 dpi. Mysterious Renaissance buildings illuminated by the moonlight are perfect for Your portraits. If You want to see all of them, visit backgrounds shop page. 

Places Of Winter

“Places Of Winter” is a collection of 8 digital backgrounds with enchanted winter theme,  size 4000 x 3000 pixels at 300 dpi. Backdrops with wonderful snowy places for magical winter story of Your children. For better look, go to my shop and enjoy! 🙂